The article entitled, Senate passes measure to boost development of solar energy plants, written by Mike Ward and Asher Price in the Austin American Statesman, details how Senate Bill 541 will create a new goal for electricity generated by solar, biomass and geothermal projects across the state. Approval of the bill came as the Texas Public Utility Commission made public a report that concludes that unless the state moves away from carbon-based power generation, federal greenhouse gas regulations could increase electricity prices by as much as $10 billion a year, or $27 a month for the average customer's electric bill. The bill basically goes on to explain how there is a great opportunity for renewable energy in the marketplace, and that this should end up saving us all money in the future. As far as Texas government in concerned this is just another example of what our "political heroes" do for us everyday while the legislature is in session. Everyone wants a cleaner environment, right? What i want to know is when do the revisions become too much? I want to know when Texas is going to be ready to scrap the old, stop putting bandages on the open wounds and start over. Renewable energy for example. This sounds great, who wouldn't support that? Oh, and even better, we can save money while we do this! So what ever happened to wind energy? Wasn't that going to be our way out off high electricity costs and a way to save money for consumers? If that really didn't work as well as it should have why are we just covering it up and starting another project, Another example. gambling. Texas has horse racing tracks, and dog racing, and they do have gambling...some what anyway. Is there nothing better for the legislature to do than go back and forth on the issue of having casinos in Texas? The public already knows that this is an issue that is not going to be decided this session, so why bother. Just rip off the band aid and move on to something more important.
More important I say? What about the biggest cover up of them all; the Texas Constitution. This document that we apparently lean on for all basis of law in this great state has been amended 456 times (and that's in 2007). What is the deal with these lawmakers here in Texas? Can we not spend a legislative session starting anew? Maybe take a fresh look at old problems. Instead of creating new problems like gambling, or solar energy, we should be focusing on the basics.
The problem with Texas government today is that people don't look at the past, or even at today. Everyone is too busy looking at the future to solve problems that have not even arisen. I believe that it is time to take a step back and get back to the fundamentals of government.