Thursday, May 14, 2009

A classmates blog

I really enjoyed the post entitled Are Sobriety checkpoints the only way by Aleyda. I'll start by saying that the way that the post looks really appealing and easy to read. The paragraphs make it flow together easily, yet stay focused. The most interesting part to her post for me was the way that she added in so many statistics. The numbers really opened my eyes to exactly what she were saying. It seems crazy that less than 1% of people that are arrested at checkpoints are actually arrested for alcohol related reasons. The use of these statistics really help her prove her point and push even those people that are skeptical to her side of the argument. I also really liked how she mentioned that the report that Senator Carona got his information from was from 2007. That is interesting in itself yet when she followed it up with the fact that the 2008 report showed a decline in alcohol related deaths i almost wanted to laugh a little bit. All in all i really did enjoy this post of A. I agree with you in her conclusion, yet she easily convinced me that this seems like an idea that needs some more thought put into it. Her use of statistics as well as specific evidence really made this post stand out for me. She really did and awesome job! 

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